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The Cutest! Baby elephant Khanyisa takes her tyre tube for a walk in the garden at sunset

HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa

Khanyisa's favourite play thing in the garden and nursery other than Lammie's woolly tail has to be her tyre tube!

She has certainly outgrown it since she first befriended it more than a year ago but she can still fit her head through the hole, letting her take the tube for happy ol' trots around the nursery garden! Adine follows after her, unable to hide a laugh, while Lammie has to lunge out of the way of the incoming rubber eleavalanche!

Khanyisa has such a beautiful playful spirit, whether out with the gals: Timisa, Kumbura, Pisa, Limpopo and Klaserie, or staying in with the other females, Lammie and now Nungu too. She continues to shine as a rare little braveheart and reminds us every day to laugh and find the joy in everything!

posted by clurr7145s