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Swedish Death Cleaning: A new way of Minimalist Living and Decluttering

Living Your Life Channel

Have you ever heard of the term "Swedish Death Cleaning"? No, it's not some dark and eerie ritual, but rather a decluttering method that has gained popularity in recent years. This unique approach to organizing and tidying up has its roots in Sweden, where it is known as "döstädning." Swedish Death Cleaning, in essence, is a way of downsizing and simplifying your life with the ultimate goal of relieving your loved ones from the burden of dealing with your possessions after you're gone.

The concept of Swedish Death Cleaning can be traced back to Margareta Magnusson, a Swedish artist and author, who introduced it to the world in her book aptly titled "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning." Released in 2017, this delightful and thoughtprovoking read became an instant hit, captivating readers with its refreshing take on decluttering. Magnusson, with her wisdom and charm, shed light on the Swedish tradition of preparing for the inevitable, emphasizing the importance of taking charge of your possessions before your time is up.

00:00 Introduction
03:05 Chapter 1 What's the Deal with Swedish Death Cleaning?
06:58 Chapter 2 Swedish Death Cleaning Steps
08:38 Chapter 3 Navigating the Journey
11:44 Chapter 4 Margareta Magnusson's Wisdom
13:33 Chapter 5 A Path to Simplicity

Living Your Life Channel
#minimalism #swedishdeathcleaning #declutter

posted by carbhaidh77