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This Soviet film, "Motorized Infantry Platoon in Free Assault" (or literally "on the fly assault") is a Red Army training movie, filmed in 1968. The film provides a rare look at mechanized infantry tactics and training during the Cold War. According to the title cards, it was created by the order of the Head of the Military Training Institutions of the Army, and filmed at the Omsk training grounds and with the participation of the officers at the Omsk City Military Academy. Scenario and direction Lt. Col. Konyaev. Head consultant Maj. Gen. Belov G.A.

0:58 Part 1 Preparation of an onthefly assault.
1:24 BMP1 armored personnel carrier APC rolling in, a company commander talking to the platoon commanders for the organization of an attack onthefly from deep behind the front line.
1:31 Company commander dispatching the platoon commanders to positions, platoons moving out.
1:482:00 Platoon commander changing his helmet from the normal infantry helmet to the noise/spallation protection helmet used inside the APC, and gives a sign to advance.
2:25 Platoon commander, briefing the squad leaders on the landmarks for land navigation
3:21 Describing positions of the enemy.
3:364:31 Platoon commander dispatches squad leaders, queries them about ammo supplies, condition, and briefs them on the use of NBC protection, if expected.
4:40 Company commander with the platoon commanders observing the situation at the advanced observation spot. The company commander briefs on the tactical landmarks and the general plan of the assault.
6:10 Giving orders, regarding the tactical use of the APCs, after the infantry dismounts
6:40 Entrenching an APC, and covering it with a camo net
8:14 APC drivers, having been resupplied, prepare and load the APCs weaponry.
8:30 The platoon commanders chose their tactical front lines, among those proposed by the company commander and repeat back his orders at him, to ensure everything has been memorized.
9:00 Platoon commanders brief the squad commanders
9:40 The company HQ having established the plan at the advanced observation spot, falls back to the waiting positions, while planning the advance and assault path for their respective platoons. The platoon commanders have 2 hours to prepare their platoons for the advance and assault.
10:4012:16 The platoon commander briefing the squad leaders on the general tactical assault plan.
12:16 Giving individual tactical objectives to each of the squad leaders
2:55 Designating a replacement platoon commander, in case of emergency.
13:0013:50 Conducting a general review of the squads. Squads reporting ready
14:21 Part 2 – controlling fire and giving orders during the onthefly assault. 
14:5615:04 Artillery barrage in preparation for the assault.
15:04 17:35 Giving orders to each squad commander by radio. Platoon commander should make sure to mention the relevant landmarks.
17:36 Giving the orders for the infantry to dismount. APC then continue towards their tactical objectives.
18:36 Infantry following a tank into a minefield breach which has been prepared by sappers beforehand
19:40 Platoon commander ordering the entire platoon to grenade the enemy trench
20:30 APCs advancing through another breach in the minefield
21:18 What to do if met with unexpected resistance of a previously undiscovered enemy?
21:2021:50 Orient the APC/artillery, which will concentrate fire on that position.
21:54 Detect and attack the retreating enemy troops
22:40 When encountering hardened positions, platoon commanders should coordinate their assault to flank the hardened position, and optionally getting air or artillery support
24:00 Orders are doubled by messenger runner, and the assault is coordinated by using signaling flares
25:25 Start of a coordinated assault on a hardened position
25:51 If the enemy is retreating too quickly, the infantry should return to their APCs and pursue the enemy.
26:55 Infantry laying suppressive fire, while mounted
27:10 What to do in case of a counterattack?  Identify the enemy location by radio.
27:55 Company commander giving an order update to suppress the enemy counterattack and recenter the battlefield on the newlyrevealed enemy
28:30 Platoons proceeding with the company commanders' orders
30:1431:16 Company commander giving order for a general infantry remount onto APCs to pursue the retreating enemy
31:29 Narrator: "A rapidly changing battlefield demands reactivity and decisive action from commanders of all levels, it is important to use the modern weaponry well, and according to the tactical situation."

BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty 1, meaning "infantry fighting vehicle". The BMP1 is amphibious.

This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit

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