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Somali Cat- TOP 10 FACTS

Cats Wiz

Somali Cat TOP 10 FACTS

Embark on a mesmerizing feline adventure as we unravel the enchanting world of Somali cats in our captivating collection of the top 10 facts! Delve into the depths of their rich, russet coats and soulful amber eyes as we uncover their intriguing origins, fascinating personalities, and unique characteristics. From their playful nature to their graceful agility, Somali cats are true perfection. Join us as we explore their captivating journey from ancient Egypt to modernday companionship. Whether you're a feline fanatic or simply curious about these stunning creatures, this YouTube channel is your gateway to a treasure trove of Somali cat wonders. Get ready to be whisked away by their bewitching charm, velvety softness, and irresistible allure they bring into our lives.

A Quick Overview:
Origin: United States
Length: 7–11 Inches
Weight: 6–10 Pounds
Life Expectancy: 11–16 Years


0:00 Intro
0:05 Abyssinian Roots Run In Their DNA
0:51 Their Name Is A Misnomer
1:27 They're Called Fox Cats
2:01 They Hate Being Alone
2:28 They're A Quiet Breed
3:01 They're Highly Active
3:28 They Love Playing With Your Hair
3:55 They Need Regular Brushing
4:25 They're Generally Healthy
5:00 They're Quite Hard To Find
5:33 Outro

posted by jeuxvideoblogjp