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Snow white is a big sister now

Cat Dreaming Roses 玫瑰梦里的野猫猫

A cat family video by using Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra phone

Hello, Humans, we love yo all, Meow!

They are 6 stray cats who belong to the same family/parents. People fed them before, either changed their minds, or had no money to do so, or adopted their cats or moved out of the area. I decided to feed them every day. I know them since they came to this world. Come and play with these lovely babies!! I hope you enjoy their growth and thanks for BEING with them!

They are: General Gray and Panda Da are two surviving babies of quadruplets. One sister was hit by a car while she slept under the car. On that day, General Gray cried for hours in the driveway and stayed next to her body. The other was eaten by a raccoon.

Cinderella, Snow White, and Yogi are triplets. Cinderella is becoming Mulan. Snow is a great tree climber.

Panda and Yogi are two shy guys.

Black Samurai's mom abandoned him and left him alone next to their mom Lily. Lily adopted him. Then they become one family!

posted by amanhiwc