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Wild embroidery

This pattern is from Yumiko Higuchi 's A year of embroidery book.

A stem stitch is a hand embroidery technique used to create a solid line or outline. It involves creating a series of small, slanting stitches that overlap each other along a central line, resulting in a smooth and continuous appearance. This stitch is commonly used in various types of needlework, such as crewel embroidery and surface embroidery, to add detail and texture to designs.

A straight stitch is a basic hand sewing or embroidery stitch formed by passing the needle and thread through the fabric in a straight line. It is one of the simplest and most commonly used stitches, typically employed for outlining, filling small areas, or creating fine details in various needlework projects.

A satin stitch is a hand embroidery technique used to fill in shapes or create solid areas of color. It involves stitching parallel rows of straight stitches very closely together, covering the surface of the fabric completely to create a smooth and shiny appemarance. This stitch is often used for decorative purposes, such as filling in flower petals, letters, or other intricate designs in embroidery projects.

A chain stitch is a basic hand embroidery stitch formed by looping the thread back into the fabric, creating a series of connected loops that resemble a chain. It can be used for outlining shapes, creating lines, or filling in areas in embroidery projects. The chain stitch is versatile and can vary in size and texture depending on the thread thickness and tension used. It's a fundamental stitch in various embroidery styles and can be adapted for both functional and decorative purposes.

The French knot stitch is a hand embroidery technique where a small, decorative knot is created on the fabric's surface. It's formed by wrapping the embroidery floss around
he needle several times before inserting it back into the fabric, securing the knot in place. French knots are commonly used to add texture, detail, and dimension to embroidery designs, such as creating the centers of flowers or adding fine dots for embellishment.

A back stitch is a hand sewing or embroidery technique where the needle and thread are passed through the fabric in a series of overlapping stitches, creating a solid line. It is commonly used for outlining, adding fine details, or sewing seams. In a back stitch, the needle is brought back through the fabric a stitch length away from the previous stitch, resulting in a continuous line that is strong and durable. This stitch is versatile and widely used in various needlework projects for its neat appearance and stability.

A lazy daisy stitch is a hand embroidery technique used to create delicate, petalshaped motifs or floral accents. It involves forming a loop or detached chain stitch on the fabric, securing the loop with a small anchoring stitch to create the appearance of a single petal or leaf. The lazy daisy stitch is often used to embellish designs, add texture, or create decorative elements in embroidery projects, such as flower petals, leaves, or even small motifs in decorative stitching.

#embroiderystitches #handembroidery #刺繍

Pattern from (A year of embroidery ) Yumiko Higuchi

posted by Eierguss66