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Sailing into a Gale: Solomons to Australia WHSE140

Wind Hippie Sailing

Do I wait in the Louisades with barely a connection to the outside world, or brave a gale to get to Australia? In this episode of bluewater sailing, I get waves crashing over the whole boat and filling the cockpit, get stuck in a shipping lane, and almost hit a ship. It's a rough crossing!

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For more regular photo updates and boating life, check out my instagram page: @boatlizard I am a solo sailor working on my circumnavigation. My boat is a 27footlong sloop named Gecko. Follow me on my journey as I learn about heavy weather sailing, the trials of being solo, and my adventures in paradise. Follow my biweekly blog on : windhippie.com Thanks for watching and subscribing!

posted by abgewohnt4q