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Red Fox Puppies


Admiring a family of Red Fox as they raise their tiny puppies is truly heartwarming. There are few species that are as adorable or playful as these little Red Fox puppies. What is fascinating is that the seemingly playful frolicking is actually part of their essential training in the school of life. While they are wresting and ambushing their siblings they are learning survival techniques that will most certainly help them become successful adults. Just as amazing is that their families are very similar to our own. Clearly both parents help each other and the Mother Fox watches over her little ones with the same love and endearment that you would see from your own mother.

Protecting wildlife habitat is something that is important for each and every one of us because there is only one Earth, that we all share!

I'm Mark Fraser and thank you so very much for watching Nature Walks! You can help promote the protection of wildlife and habitat simply by sharing this and future Nature Walks episodes giving wildlife a voice!

Mark Fraser

Thanks to all of you and your suggestions there is now a brand new federally recognized wildlife conservation organization helping to raise conservation awareness called the Nature Walks Conservations Society! With your help we really can make a difference! Watch for us on Facebook   / naturewalkscs  !

Stay Tuned and please share this film to help promote awareness!

posted by pautegismm