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Questions Asked to the Vocational Witness at Your Disability Hearing

Social Security Disability videos

What is meaning of the hypothetical questions that your judge asks to the vocational expert witness (the "VE") during your hearing?

The hypo will contain a variety of limitations that could impact your capacity to work. We want the VE to say "no jobs."

Some judges ask a series of questions, some of which result in testimony that there are jobs you could do. Does this mean that you are going to lose?

Most disability cases are a close call. The medical evidence may be lacking perhaps because you do not have insurance, but the judge may find you extremely believable. In other cases the evidence may be stronger but the judge may not find your testimony compelling.

Your judge may pose a variety of hypothetical questions to the vocational witness in an effort to clarify the judge's own thinking about whether you meet SSA's disability standard.

Your job as the claimant and my job as your lawyer is to prepare you to answer questions in a credible, believable manner and to highlight medical evidence that is favorable to your cause.

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=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Facebook:   / ginsberglaw  
Telephone: 8008902262'>
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