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Pastor J.R. Carlyle: 'The Motherhood Of God'

James R. Carlyle

The Motherhood of God                                     Isaiah 66:12 – 13 

Sometimes I wonder if Mother’s Day was born out of a conspiracy. One thing is for sure: there are at least 4 businesses that stand to profit greatly from it: florists, greetings card companies, telephone companies, and restaurants.

Am I against motherhood? Definitely not, so long as we don’t make Mother’s Day a holy day. Let’s face it—Not all mothers are virtuous. God meant them to be, but because of sin, some have not lived up to their high calling.

Some abort their children before they’re even born.
Others consume alcohol, do drugs, or smoke during pregnancy, thereby endangering their offspring.
Some mothers beat their children.
Other mothers abandon their children.
Still, others put their careers before their children.
And some mothers totally ignore their children.

*However, I still believe that the vast majority of mothers love their children deeply and strive to do the best they can in a pressurefilled culture such as the one in which we live.
Proverbs 31:30 says, “Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: But a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised".

I can think of at least three things that are positive in relation to Mother’s Day and the church.
1) Attendance is usually better
2) It gives us an opportunity to look into God’s Word for characteristics that go into making a godly mother.
3) It gives us an opportunity to extol the motherlike qualities of God.

*Normally, we think of God as our Father and the reason is that for the most part, God has chosen to reveal Himself in the masculine.

But there’s nothing wrong with thinking of God as possessing some motherlike qualities. After all, God is a Spirit. The Bible uses many metaphors, names, and titles to reveal His manysided and multifaceted nature. 
(Please view for the entire message.)

Thank you for your continued support!
Pastor Carlyle

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