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Ozai And Iroh Interactions (Avatar: The Last Airbender 2024 Netflix)


From Episodes 4 and 6.
Episode 4: 'Into the Dark'.
Episode 6: 'Masks'.

Definitely like the additional, new, scenes, such as these!

I also find it interesting how Ozai has been humanized a lot more. He lacked a lot of depth in the original series and was basically a stereotypical evil bad guy, so this definitely took a 180degrees turn, but I quite like it.

After uploading, I realized I missed the scene when Iroh opposed Ozai's decision to banish Zuko..
I will most likely (re)upload it later. I will probably keep this video up though.
(Update: Uploaded the missing scene, titled 'Ozai Banished Zuko'.)

Transcript of the missing interaction:
Ozai: ''You are not to set a foot within our borders until this task is completed. Under threat of the severest of penalties!''
Iroh: ''Ozai! You can't!''
Ozai: ''Brother, it's done.''

posted by seramies71