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Oral hygiene instructions for child - Dr. Sangeeta Honnur

Doctors Circle Worlds Largest Health Platform

Teeth start erupting at the age of six months and goes till 3 years of age these are the primary teeth. The permanent teeth actually starts 6 years of age to 13 years. Beginning from six months when the first tooth erupts parents can start taking care by wiping the tooth or multiple teeth when they erupt with a cloth or small cotton cloth to begin with and as the few teeth erupt they can use a soft baby brush with soft bristles and brush it without the tooth paste and probably give them water after that just to rinse it off. As the child becomes 2 years of age you can start applying a little bit of paste on the brush and start brushing. When the child is about 6 years of age when you can start fluoride tooth paste and it is very important to visit your dentist once in 6 months beginning from year 1 is actually recommended in that way dentist can keep a check whether there any initial decay fallowed with any malformations in the teeth, follow the eruption pattern and if the child is brushing good or not all these instructions can be given at that time. Also during your dental visits normal cleaning or fluoride application which is very important for the child is actually followed. Maintenance of the teeth has to start at a very early age is very important, the habit of brushing twice a day morning and night along with flossing should be made an habit to the child.

posted by taewheachonxi