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[Moonblood] MAP20: Moonblood Gateway (UV-Max Demo)


in every wad there must, by necessity, be a map you find your least favorite. and i'm relatively certain this map is my least favorite in this wad. damaging floor everywhere, inescapable deadly pits, skinflint ammo economy, switches that look pressable but are only shootable, and a kind of incomprehensible level progression. there's two starting rooms you can pick from; i chose the side i did because it lets you knock out some annoying bits early. the greatest threats are the pain elementals it's easy for them to wind up infighting, and you don't have nearly enough ammo to deal with that nonsense. so focus those. this is also maybe the first level that starts to really ramp up the archvile count, although they tend to be more of a threat to roast you rather than resurrect a bunch of stuff. the actual number of enemies here is pretty small, but taking excess damage can be pretty disastrous. make sure you know where the way out of the lava is when grabbing the soul sphere it's easy to lose a ton of health doing that in particular, along with just trying not to fall in general.

get the demo:
source port used: dsdadoom 0.27.5
sound font used: arachno.sf2
flags: complevel 9

posted by l0releigzw