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Mirror mirror on the wall

Sho Ko

Her Meowjesty has a bit of a temper tantrum when the mirror doesn't confirm what we all know to be true. Yes, Queen Sho, ye are the fairest in all the land. We shall clean and fetch thy treattreats post haste!

Gosh, what a day. I wasn't going to post anything. I'm part Ukrainian and even though I have no ties that I know of to anyone currently living there, it still makes me so sad. I don't understand any of it. When I end my posts with "peace and purrs out," I really mean, peace. Be peaceful. Breathe. Be kind. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, be kind to the animals and the environment around you.

But then I remembered what so many of you have told me over the years. Things along the lines of, "thank you so much for a smile on a tough day." And today is a tough day at a time we all thought we were saying goodbye to a tough two years. I had uploaded this video last year for my Patreon and YouTube members, and it's always stuck in the back of my mind because the dialogue and Shorty are so silly. And honestly, sometimes we just have to shut off the news and make space for silliness if we're lucky enough or else we'll go crazy.

So here is your dose of silliness for the day. Maybe it's not appropriate to post this. What am I saying, of course it's not appropriate. People are literally dying for no reason and another devastating war is upon us, and here I am posting a cat video. But this is for those who need it, for those who want to be reminded that simple joys exist in simple moments. It's these types of things I have to hold onto to have any kind of hope that we're not all going off the deep end.

Love and hope to all.

Peace and purrs out,


posted by Korumlya05