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Long established food stall in Fukuoka. 3 days of demolition work.

Yatai Keiji, a traditional Japanese restaurant

1991年から屋台けいじとして30年、先代から数えて60年近く福岡の街を見守って来た屋台。老朽化に伴い、2023年1月5日に解体しました。地域の皆様に愛され守って頂き今日に至ったので、解体作業は再建への希望と夢に心躍る反面、寂しさもありました。今回の撮影には「食えもん」さん​⁠@Japanesefoodcraftsman に全面協力頂き、記録として残す事ができました。解体に伴い迷惑を掛けた近隣住人の方、撮影に協力頂いた食えもんさんに改めて感謝します。現在は新しく建て直した屋台で営業を再開しております。新しい屋台の組み立ての様子も後日アップしますので楽しみにお待ちください。迷惑を掛けてばかりの屋台ですが、見守り支え関わって頂いた多くの皆様に感謝します。本当にありがとうございます。

お願いしますー٩( 'ω' )و

04:00 屋台再建への想い
10:00 日本建築と宮大工小話
16:15 解体現場に常連現る
18:55 式年遷宮と御用材
22:36 はじめちゃん
24:08 自分で解体して悲しむ男
30:03 解体作業日目
37:05 現役屋台料理人としてのスタンス
46:17 地元愛
49:31 看板との戯れ
50:50 解体作業日目

《《 店舗理念 》》
屋台けいじは1991年9月に創業して以来、博多の屋台文化を守るため幾度もカタチを変えてきました。屋台特有の規制やルールに翻弄され、雨や風の影響を受け営業すらままならない事もしばしありました。それでも、博多の屋台文化を次の世代へと受け継ぎ、お客様の笑顔を守るため、愛すべき屋台文化を世界へと伝えていきます。世界中の人々が博多の食を楽しみ、屋台文化を理解し、愛してくれるように。そして、未来の世界を担う子供達が笑顔でワクワクするような食文化を世界へ伝えていきます。ー 大将 安部 雄太

『 屋台けいじ 』
◎定休:日曜・月曜・火曜 (雨天/強風)
・Gmail ( [email protected] )

《《 グループ店舗の紹介 》》
『 いっぱいいっぱい 』
※総大将 土井 敬治

『 博仏ダイニングKINOSHITA 』



Hello. I am Abe, the owner of YATAIKEIJI.
For 30 years since 1991 as YATAIKEIJI, and for nearly 60 years counting from the predecessor, this stall has been watching over the city of Fukuoka. Due to aging, it was dismantled on January 5, 2023. The dismantling of the YATAI, which had been loved and protected by the local residents, was exciting with hopes and dreams of rebuilding, but also sad. Thanks to the full cooperation of ( @Japanesefoodcraftsman ) we were able to document the demolition. We would like to thank the residents of the neighborhood who were inconvenienced by the demolition, and Shokumemon for his cooperation in filming the event. We are now back in business with a newly rebuilt stall. Please look forward to a report on the assembly of the new stall to be uploaded at a later date. We would like to thank the many people who have supported us and helped us, even though our stall has caused us a lot of trouble. Thank you very much.Last but not least, my buddy who has endured many years of exposure to the wind and rain. Thank you very much.

《《 Corporate Philosophy 》》
"For the culture we want to pass on and the smiles we want to preserve"
Since its establishment in September 1991, YATAIKEIJI has changed its form many times in order to preserve Hakata's YATAI culture. We have been at the mercy of regulations and rules unique to YATAI, and have often been affected by rain and wind, making it difficult for us to even operate. Nevertheless, we will continue to pass on our beloved YATAI culture to the next generation and to bring smiles to our customers' faces as we share it with the world. We hope that people around the world will enjoy Hakata's food, understand and love YATAI culture. And we will pass on our food culture to the world so that children, the future bearers of the world, will be excited with smiles on their faces. ー Taisho YUTA ABE

◎Location1129 Akasaka, Chuoku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan
◎HoursPM19 AM26
◎ClosedSunday / Monday / Tuesday (rain or strong wind)

『 Contact us 』
・Yatai Keiji's official LINE account
・Gmail ( [email protected] )
・General ManagerYuta Abe

Introduction of our group stores
11121 Akasaka, Chuoku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan

11312 Daimyo, Chuoku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan

※Office and central kitchen
101 Kego SI Building, 2510 Kego, Chuoku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan

※Design office
101 Kego SI Building, 2510 Kego, Chuoku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka, Japan


posted by begeamifel0