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London Flat Tour | All the changes I've made to the apartment so far (2022)

Hermione Chantal

Today's video is an apartment tour of the London flat! There's still lots more I would love to do to it, and it's not perfect, but this is where we are at :)

Check out the video I made on Lick's channel
   • @HermioneChantal's rental friendly ha...  

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i n s t a g r a m :   / hermionechantal  
b l o g : http://www.hermionechantal.com
p i n t e r e s t:   / hermionechantal  

IKEA Hacks and DIYs playlist:
   • Ikea hacks  

Hi, I'm Hermione and I love making DIY projects that are budget friendly and add a pop of colour to your life! Check out my videos to see more DIYs, hacks, lifestyle tips, motivational videos and more

posted by Yayo8m