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Limitations Ineffectiveness of PRP Mesotherapy Hair Loss Treatments and a Better Alternative

Amiya Prasad, M.D.

More Hair Regeneration results:

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Someone asks if plateletrich plasma (PRP) or mesotherapy is a better nonsurgical hair fall treatment

New York hair restoration specialist Amiya Prasad MD reviews this question in this video, explaining the limits and effectiveness of these injection treatments, and a much more effective alternative that uses a PRP combination:

1:20 Dr. Prasad’s experience in surgical and nonsurgical hair loss solutions
1:39 Dr. Prasad’s success with nonsurgical hair loss treatment that has limited the amount of hair transplants he performs
2:14 What PRP (plateletrich plasma) is, and how it can help shortterm hair growth, but is limited and needs to be repeated every month to three months
3:02 Mesotherapy is not practiced in the US, but mostly in Europe with vitamin injections
3:50 Why Dr. Prasad does not believe mesotherapy works because vitamin injections do not help with genetic hair loss caused by hormones
4:30 Pharmaceutical solutions prescribed to treat hair loss
4:45 Hair restoration surgery and its limitations
5:00 How Hair Regeneration works, and how it was developed by Dr. Prasad to thicken hair and stop hair loss
5:33 Hair Regeneration’s effectiveness in thickening hair after one treatment, and how patients progress are documented
5:54 How some advanced hair loss cases get a second injection after 18 months to build upon progress
6:06 How 5 years of data has shown sustainability of Hair Regeneration’s results
6:39 PRP or mesotherapy does not stop hair loss progression, but Hair Regeneration has proved it can by thickening thinning hair

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posted by dispatch2005vl