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Ladybug meets My Little Pony (Canceled Animation Parody)


There are moments in life where you’ll have to make decisions that would make people either disappointed or angry, but you know it’s the right thing to do to help yourself going forward in life. With that being said, I’ve decided to cancel the Miraculous Ladybug meets My Little Pony parody project. For those have been following me for awhile now on Twitter, you may know I’ve been on and off from making this project ever since 2019. Back then, I was really looking forward having it completed as it was supposed to be the grand finale of the MLP Meets series! Now, with how much has changed in the past few years, my heart is just not into it anymore.

I’ve been working on it for 3 and a half years now that I find myself upset just thinking about it. Not only that, but I don’t find making animated videos parodying existing IP’s fun anymore. I’m at a point where I want to move forward with providing more original content. In order to accomplish this, I’ve spent the past few years coming up with stories, scripts, concepts and many, many, MANY drawings so I can prepare myself for what’s to come. That’s part of the reason why I’ve been holding off from making Ladybug meets MLP for this long. That and helped with some collaborations like AniMat’s recent Animation Lookback and some ReAnimated projects.

I thought I would take on both the future and Ladybug meets MLP at the same time, but the more I try to accomplish that goal, the more it stresses me out. Plus, I still got my day job, personal life with family and friends, my workout routine, unexpected plans and more to focus on. It’s not easy finding the right balance at times. I would feel much more relax if I just stop making MLP meets and similar parodies altogether. It wasn’t an easy decision.

I want to apologize for those that were looking forward to the final results of my last MLP Meets video. I do appreciate your patience and kindness towards the project these past few years! I couldn’t say the same for myself. Even though I decided to cancel it, I decided to upload what I had so far here. That way you could get an idea on how it would had played out.

The MLP Meets series overall was a fun journey! I honestly didn’t think there woful die a point in my life where I would dedicate most of the decade making videos based on My Little Pony. Not to say that’s a bad thing whatsoever. The Brony fandom was not only fun to be apart of for awhile, but it has helped me accomplished my dreams into making animations for fun into a reality. Plus, I’ve gotten to know so many great people that I’m still friends with to this day! Say what you want about the fandom, but If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t be in the position where I am today. I may not be a part of it as much as I used to, but I’ll be forever grateful for them for given me this opportunity to help improve on my art in the future.

I can't thank you guys enough for your support! I’m looking forward into bring more surprises when the time comes! I’ll still posts updates of progress on my Twitter page down the road. Until then, take care!

posted by zobkihm