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'Ice Cream Revolution: From Texture Choices to Air Whip Intolerance':

Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream

Unique Textures: Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream allows customers to choose from various textures for their ice cream, a feature that appears to be quite popular.
Customization Options: Customers can request specific bases (cream or dairyfree) and textures as they order, akin to choosing from a "secret menu."
Peanut Brittle Texture: One unique texture option is similar to peanut brittle, which is solid enough to be picked up by hand, offering a distinct experience compared to typical ice creams.
Standard Ice Cream Comparison: The standard texture of their ice cream is described as a little harder than "hard pack" but still scoopable, with ongoing adjustments as it sets.
Air Content: Unlike traditional hard pack ice cream which contains about 50% air, Sub Zero's process might differ, impacting texture and digestive reactions.
Lactose Intolerance Misconception: The video addresses a common misconception about lactose intolerance, suggesting that discomfort from commercial ice cream might actually be due to high air content, not lactose intolerance.
Air Whip Issues: The process of incorporating air into ice cream can cause digestive issues like gas, similar to the effect seen with carbonated beverages like root beer in floats.
Textural Limitations of Equipment: The video explains that certain textures cannot be achieved with standard mixers, which can only handle semiliquid forms and not fully hardpacked textures.
Ice Cream Hardness: Sub Zero's method can achieve various levels of hardness, from semihard to hard pack, adjusting to customer preferences.
Personal Preference and Variability: The speaker mentions personal taste and the variability in ice cream preferences among customers, highlighting the customization aspect of their service.
/ #CapCut #shorts revolutionizing the ice cream business. #franchise #iceream #best #creamy #fresh Using liquid nitrogen to make the smoothest freshest product possible.

posted by Allonyphymnfd