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How to Teach Your Portuguese Water Dog to Swim Like a Pro

Portuguese Water Dog USA

Portuguese Water Dog Swimming Techniques: How to Teach Your PWD to Swim like a Pro
The Portuguese Water Dog (PWD) is a highly intelligent and active breed known for its love for water
They have a rich history of assisting fishermen in Portugal and their swimming abilities are legendary
If you have a PWD, teaching them proper swimming techniques can be a rewarding and fun experience
In this article, we will delve into the various swimming techniques you can use to ensure your PWD becomes a confident and skilled swimmer
1 Understanding the PWD's Natural Swimming Abilities:
Before diving into teaching your PWD specific swimming techniques, it's crucial to understand their natural abilities in the water
PWDs have webbed feet that facilitate efficient swimming and are naturalborn swimmers
Their muscular physique and buoyant coat provide them with excellent swimming capabilities
By leveraging their innate talents, you can build a strong foundation to teach them advanced swimming techniques
2 Preparing for Swimming Sessions:
Before initiating swimming lessons, it's essential to create a safe environment for your PWD
Ensure that the water source, whether it's a pool or a natural body of water, is free from any hazards and chemicals
Acquaint your PWD with the area gradually, allowing them to sniff and explore their surroundings before jumping in
Additionally, investing in a proper flotation device, such as a life jacket, will ensure their safety during initial swimming sessions
3 Introducing Basic Water Confidence:
The first step in teaching your PWD to swim is to build their confidence in the water
Start by gradually introducing them to shallow water, such as a wading pool or the edge of a shallow area in a lake
Use positive reinforcement, praise, and treats to make them associate the water with positive experiences
Allow them to enter the water at their own pace and never force them if they show signs of fear or distress
4 Teaching the Doggy Paddle:
The doggy paddle is the most basic swimming technique for dogs, and it's essential for your PWD to understand it

posted by hordit6y