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How to pill a cat


Delicately hold your cat as if cradling a newborn baby. Position your nondominant forefinger and thumb on either side of your cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to his or her cheeks while holding the pill in your dominant hand. As your cat obligingly opens their mouth, effortlessly pop the pill into the back of their throat. Allow your cat to close their mouth and aid swallowing with a little neck rub. Retrieve the pill from the floor and your cat from behind the sofa. Restrain your cat ever so slightly more forcefully and repeat the process. Retrieve your cat from the bedroom and throw the soggy pill away. Take a new pill from its foil wrap and restrain your cat less like a baby and more like a greased pig. Prise open their locked jaws and push the new pill to the back of their throat. Hold their mouth shut for a count of ten. Retrieve the pill from the goldfish bowl and your cat from the top of the wardrobe. Call for reinforcements. Kneel on the floor with your cat wedged firmly between your knees, while your assistant attempts to hold their front and rear paws. Ignore the ominous growls from your cat and whimpers from your assistant. With or without a runup, attempt to project the pill into a significantly deeper location in your cat's digestive tract. Retrieve your cat from the curtain rail, get another pill, and disinfect the thousands of deep gashes on your face, wrist and neck. Wrap your cat in a giant towel and recruit several more assistants. You get the idea @VetLessons

posted by Lyassaavk