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How to make $50000 per month passive income with gold – My unique and diversified income stream

Chris Ralph, Professional Prospector

In this video, I am going to tell you how I make money in the prospecting world. Some have asked me what I do and what a professional prospector really is. Well, in this video I will tell you the whole story. I do make money going out and finding gold, but most of my income is what would be considered as passive income. That is something where you put in some work and then get paid for it for many years afterward. Passive income is a topic of great interest to many YouTube viewers. These are popular videos and there are a number of them out there. Well, I have a very unique way of making passive income, one I guarantee you've never seen talked about on any YouTube video even if you've watched 100 of them. I make money from locating potential properties for mining and selling those properties to mining companies. In February, I am due passive income payments of about $50,000 and in this video I will tell you how I do that and how you can too. In the video I show off a check written to me for $25,000, which I offer as a demonstration of what I am suggesting. Interested? Well, I will be following up on this video in the coming months with more detailed information. So be sure to watch this video, tick the notification bell (and subscribe too if you've not done that already) so you can be sure to see all of what I have to show you.
For those who want to learn more about Prospecting and finding gold check out my book, Fists full of Gold. It’s an encyclopedia of everything on the topic of prospecting. It’s available on Amazon. You can find it at (affiliate):
For even more information on prospecting, minerals, gems and other related information you can also check out my website at:

posted by sifonaviel