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đŸ‡«đŸ‡· How to learn French by yourself? Resources methods and study plans


Here is the list of all the resources mentioned in the video:
⭐ App: Bussu
Start learning languages with Busuu for free:
Web: https://bit.ly/zoelanguages_busuu
Mobile: https://bit.ly/zoelanguages_busuu_app
⭐ Book:
Assimil Le français
⭐ Websites:
✔ Podcast Français facile
✔ Le TV5 Monde
⭐ Pronunciation:
✔ Learn French with FrenchPod101.com
   ‱ Learn French Pronunciation in 12 Minutes  
✔ Comme une Française
   ‱ French Pronunciation Practice (with a...  
✔ Podcast Français facile
⭐ Grammar:
✔Conjugaison progressive du francais: Livre debutant + CD (A1A2.1)
✔ Francaisfacile
✔ Grammaire progressive du français Livre + CD + Livreweb 100% interactif: Livre debutant

A2 extra resources:
⭐ YouTube channels:
✔ Parlezvous FRENCH : Learn French Online
   / @parlezvousfrench  
✔ Français avec Pierre
   / @francaisavecpierre  
✔ French mornings with Elisa
   / @frenchmorningswithelisa  
✔ Easy French
   / @easyfrench  
⭐ Audiobooks:
✔ Le Petit Prince" de Antoine de Saint ExupĂ©ry
✔ L’étranger, Albert Camus

B1 extra resources:
⭐ Website: COURSERA
✔ COURSERA french lesson: : Étudier en France: French Intermediate course B1B2.
⭐ Grammar Books:
✔ Grammaire progressive du francais. Niveau intermediare
✔ Les 500 exercices de Grammaire B1 : Avec CorrigĂ©s
✔ Nouvelle Grammaire du Français de Sorbonne
⭐ YouTube channels:
✔ COLAS BIM:   / @colasbim  
✔ ELLE:    / @ellefr  
✔ Nassim Sahili:    / @nassimsahili  

This video is structured by the following topics:
00:00 Intro
01:33 A1
03:22 Apps
04:37 Books
05:16 Websites
06:31 Pronunciation
07:48 Grammar
09:26 Vocabulary
09:57 A2
12:07 B1

You can also watch my vlogs in French:
【Vlog】Life traveling between France and Germany
   ‱ 【Vlog】Life traveling between Fran...  
【French Vlog】A day in the life of a polyglot PhD student in sociology
   ‱ 【French Vlog】A day in the life of a...  

posted by zimfikie9y