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How Negative Thoughts and Experiences Come into Being

Samuel Schüpbach

In this video i touch on the subject of our childhood experience, and how this in turn shapes our perception of the world and of ourselves in our adult life. Our sense of reality is hugely based on what we learned as children. Negative Experiences and Thoughts are not something to get rid of, but are pointers to some unintegrated and unloved aspects of ourselves, that we had to split of during our childhood in order to survive in a society, that cannot accept the human nature in its core. In order to grow out of negative experience and let go of negative thinking, these aspects of ourselves need to be understood and accepted. Either by expressing the repressed emotions and behaviors through our body or by developing a witnessing capacity in which we can observe ourselves and accept ourselves deeply. Acceptance and a unidentiefied viewpoint on our own experience is what allows these split off parts to be reintegrated into a bigger whole a bigger 'I am'

posted by amortentud