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How do You Prove that You Would Not be a Reliable Employee and Therefore Should be found Disabled

Social Security Disability videos

Social Security disability judges will only find you disabled if the evidence in your claims file shows that you do not have the capacity to perform a simple, entry level job. As such, as a disability attorney, I put a lot of focus on what the medical record says about my client’s documented physical and mental health limitations.

However, there is another important element to work capacity: would you be a reliable employee. For example, you may have the physical and mental capacity to perform the duties of a office secretary, a warehouse worker or a machine operator, but if you would need excessive breaks, or if you would miss 4 days of work per month because of your symptoms, you would not be reliable enough to sustain employment.

In this video I try to answer the question “how many breaks or how many absences are too much?” I also share with you how I get the evidence I need to prove that my client would not be reliable.

Would your medical or mental health problem negatively impact your reliability at even a simple, entrylevel job? This is the question you need to answer if you hope to convince a disability judge to award benefits. #winningsocialsecuritydisability #vocationalexpert #ssdihearing

===============FREE SURVIVAL KIT====================
Don’t know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at

==============FREE CASE EVALUATION=================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Website: https://www.ssdAnswers.com
Facebook:   / ginsberglaw  
Telephone: 8008902262
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