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How can I adopt an abandoned dog?


1. Check an adoption post and make a reservation

Before you adopt an abandoned dog,
there are things you need to check first.
You should consider if your financial status and home environment
are suitable for raising a companion dog.

When you’re ready to adopt an abandoned dog,
go and check if there are any adoption posts from shelters for abandoned dogs.
And then, contact the shelter and tell them you’re willing to adopt one.

Some shelters ask you to make a reservation for adoption beforehand.
Make a reservation in accordance with the procedures of the shelter.

2. Adoption assessment

Before they allow you to adopt a dog,
Some shelters may proceed with an ‘Adoption assessment.’
This is reasonable because some adopters
give up adoption just a while after they adopt one.

To prevent such things from happening,
some shelters conduct an adoption assessment
to make sure whether appliers can afford to have pets
and if the living environment is suitable for a dog.

3. Neuter surgery and health checkup

After completing all the procedures for adoption,
it means you’re a new family of the dog.
Then, the first thing to take care of is the health of your dog.
It’s not impossible for shelters
to treat every single disease a dog might have.
That's why certain diseases afflict some abandoned dogs
or they haven’t yet undergone neutering surgery.

For you to be happy for a long time with your new family,
make sure to have the dog receive checkups.

posted by 3883blog9l