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5 Meanings Behind Cat Grooming


#1 Why Cats Groom Themselves

1. Grooming

Cats groom themselves by licking their skin. When cats lick their fur, their rough tongue

stimulates the sebaceous glands under their skin and produces oily sebum.

That’s why cats’ hair looks so shiny after grooming.

2. Getting Rid of Their Scent

As cats have a natural instinct

of hiding themselves from predators,

they get rid of their own smell by grooming to protect themselves against predators.

Due to such instinct,

cats often do not smell bad

even without frequent baths.

3. Cooling Down

Unlike humans, cats have very few sweat glands,

so they regulate their temperature through grooming.

Their bodies cool down as the saliva on their fur evaporates.

If your cat is extensively grooming during the summer,

you should check whether the temperature in your house is too high

and help him/her cool down.

4. Expression of Affection

Grooming is also a way of expressing affection.

Mother cats, especially, express their love for the baby kittens by licking and grooming them.

If cats often lick their owners,

they are expressing their affection towards the owners

just as they would towards their baby kittens.

5. Relaxation

Cats will engage in grooming when they need to relax.

Especially when they are surprised or frightened,

they will groom themselves

to take the stress off and calm down.

#2 Does Grooming Signal Health Issues?

Cat grooming is a common behavior for cats

but if excessive or not seen enough, it could mean that they are unwell.

1. Excessive Grooming

Sudden change in the environment, such as moving or introduction of a new family member, can make cats anxious.

In such cases, cats who are stressed can engage in excessive grooming.

However, allergies, parasitic infection, or skin problems can also cause excessive grooming so it is best to check for health issues.

2. Not Enough Grooming

On the other hand, if cats do not engage in enough grooming,

it could indicate that they have dental or gumrelated problems.

In such a situation, you should check the cat’s mouth area for signs.

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