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Ouch Mouse

It's been a little while hasn't it! Well, here's what I've been up to...

My article in The Limping Chicken: https://limpingchicken.com/2022/05/26...

Visual description: Max is sat on their bed wearing a black vest and a yellow cardigan. Their hair is up in a top knot, and they are wearing their orange tinted lenses.
What's this?    • Caption Your Content That Includes I...  

Like what you watched? Consider buying me a coffee! http://kofi.com/ouchmouse

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Twitter:   / ouchmouse8  
Instagram | Ouch Mouse:   / ouch_mouse  
Instagram | Papa Smear:   / papa_smear  
Facebook | Life Allergic To Cold:   / lifeallergictocold  
Facebook | Spoontaneous:   / sickandspoontaneous  
Tumblr:   / lifeallergictocold  
Vocal Media: https://vocal.media/authors/maxfisher
Medium:   / mxmaxmfisher  

Stickman Communications, keyring cards for disability and accessibility: https://stickmancommunications.co.uk/...

posted by neblokiaj