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Grow Lights 101: Best Plant Growth Spectrum Color? White vs Red/Blue LED + What is PAR u0026 ePAR Light?

AlboPepper - Drought Proof Urban Gardening

Do plants use more light colors than we realized? What does the latest horticulture research mean for grow lights? What's the best color spectrum for growing plants?

This video is all about Light Quality. What effect do different light wavelengths have on plants and their development? Do plants need UV light? How does Far Red light effect plant growth? Do plants use green light or is green light wasted energy? These questions are answered, along with scientific research that you can read more about, depending on your level of interest.

00:00 Intro
00:32 Kelvin Color Temperatures
01:28 Visible Light Spectrum
01:39 What is PAR Light?
02:38 Do Plants Use Green Light?
04:30 Benefits of Green Light For Plants
05:07 Photomorphogenesis
05:25 Do Plants Use UV Light?
05:51 Do Plants Use FarRed Light?
06:25 How Plants Use Photoreceptors
07:11 What is ePAR Light?
07:46 What is the Emerson Enhancement Effect?
08:33 How Plants Use Green & FarRed Photons
09:07 Is Full Spectrum Light Good For Plants?
09:36 Custom Light Spectrum vs Plant Shape
10:57 Is White Light Good For Home Gardeners?
11:59 How Do LEDs Make White Light?
12:44 What's the Best Light Spectrum?

We'll take a look at the visible light spectrum (a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum). Why is it better to analyze grow light colors by their wavelengths rather than using generic Kelvin ratings? This video answers: What is PAR light (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)? It also looks at the McCree Curve & the Emerson Enhancement Effect. And we'll see how to define ePAR (Extended Photosynthetically Active Radiation). We'll compare the efficiency of LEDs, fluorescents, highpressure sodiums and metal halides.

When considering LED vs HID, the spectral composition can be a major factor. Some LEDs have a few limited color bands, using only blue & red light. Some include a "full spectrum" light source. How do they make white light from LEDs? This video explains phosphor coated white LEDs. Are these white LEDs good for plant growth?

How do plants use green light? How does farred light help plants to grow? What about plant photoreceptors?

This is the basics of plant lighting and grow lights. It is intended to benefit a broad audience, from home gardeners, to greenhouse growers, to vertical farmers and even "medical" growers.

#GreehouseGrowers #LEDLights #IndoorGardening #knowledge #ArtificialLighting #GrowLights #Albopepper


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