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Giving subcutaneous fluids to my cat Maybe the best cat in the whole world.


Maybe is my purrfect kitty. He is 18 years old and has a few health issues we are dealing with, trying to make him as healthy and happy as possible for as long as we possibly can. He has Chronic Kidney Disease and requires daily subcutaneous fluids to keep him hydrated. He tolerates them so well…he actually comes when I call him over to do them. He amazes me with his comprehension and understanding that what I do for him is to help him to feel better. He is the most cooperative cat I have ever known. He IS the best cat in the world and I tell him that all the time.
I hope this video can help other people dealing with having to hydrate their own kitties. It is not difficult to do on the human end and if you can make your cat feel safe and loved and secure you can do this and help your cat to feel better in just a few minutes a day. Some cats in the earlier stage of kidney disease may only need fluids once or twice a week to start…and that way you can introduce the routine a bit at a time.

posted by wtykowatyl5