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Galah cockatoo being a goof

Maple Critters

*UPDATE Oct 16th, 2021* I see this video has gotten a lot of attention recently and I thought I would address a few things I've seen in the comments! Firstly he is NOT I repeat NOT wildcaught, he was bred and raised here in Canada. He is no longer clipped and is a fully flighted bird, this was before my family did more research into the ill effects of clipping. He is not aggressive in this video as some may think, his aggression is much more noticeable, knowing how to read your parrot is an incredibly important skill, and thanks to knowing how to read mine I've never suffered from a bite that has drawn blood. Overall he's a great bird who is quite the little character and still definitely a goof.

This is Rhubarb, out 1 year old galah cockatoo who can be quite the little mischiefmaker

posted by izmaknjen5v