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Follow Your Cat - What Felines get up to When They Leave the House | Free Documentary Nature

Free Documentary - Nature

Follow Your Cat What Felines get up to When They Leave the House | Nature Documentary

Watch 'Wildlife Takeover: How Animals Reclaimed Chernobyl' here:    • Wildlife Takeover: How Animals Reclai...  

Do you know your cat? When she is not purring on your living room sofa do you know where she roams? Do you know where she wanders off once she leaves the premises? No? Well, would you like to?

Follow us while we follow cats on their hunting grounds for mice and birds. Experience the double life of your domestic tiger... She will lead you on adventures that you never thought were possible. With a behavioural scientist that specializes in cats and modern technology we follow the cat on their wanderings into the wild. She maps their routes, unveils their secret favourite places, chronicles their territorial conquests, and shows us the entertaining habits of this enigmatic creature.


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