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Fire Pit Assembly


I picked this fire pit up from Lowes, put it together and started a fire. It was also available from Academy Sports and other locations for the same price.

Questions & Answers – Inspired by actual YouTube comments:

Q: Can I leave a thoughtful comment, tip, or constructive criticism regarding your video?
A: Sure.

Q: Will you advise me on a particular problem I’m having that is similar to what I saw in the video?

A: Depends.

Q: I keep watching your useless videos, I guess that’s time in my life I’ll never get back.

A: Press the stop button.

Q: Operator Aire.

A: It’s spelled “Error.”

Q: I’m upset that you forced me to watch your free video. What are you going to do to make this right?

A: Send you an invoice?

Q: Click on my user name and you’ll see that I’ve never posted a video about anything but I’ve got tons of opinions about your videos.

A: We noticed.

Q: Jerk! Unsub…

A: Don’t let the keyboard hit you in the ass on the way out.

Q: I have problems with obsession and you are my new BFF. Will you talk to me 24/7/365?

A: No.

Q: Can I meet with you?

A: Dude.

Q: I’m a professional and as such I have a deep belief that ONLY professionals are allowed to do what you did in the video. Are you professionals?

A: No.

Q: You didn’t show the circuitbreaker being turned off therefore it didn’t happen. Won’t people get poked with 120 volts from their finger up to their elbow if they don’t turn the breaker or switch off?

A: Yes, we suspect they would.

Q: I have tons of experience. You did it wrong in your video. Will you remove your video from YouTube?

A: No, and your experience makes you sound old and inflexible.

Q: You look like a 1944 German soldier without a helmet.

A: Thanks?

Q: I’m a professional and your video diminishes my ability to earn a living. Can I leave a comment whining about that?

A: Hmm, let’s see. No.

Q: I’m 40 and live in my mom’s basement. I’m feeling poorly about myself and I want to take it out on you with complete anonymity, can I do that?

A: Sure. As long as you don’t mind us deleting your comment and banning you from the channel.

posted by ibahagi7o