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Fat orange cat is on a diet with a treadmill! | SanHua Cat Live

SanHua Cat Live

Fat orange cat is on a diet with a treadmill! It looks nice. Yes, Zhupi is going to lose weight with my boyfriend. Hope both of them succeed. ┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄┅┄*
【SanHua Cat Live】is a story of a couple and their cats
There are currently five cats in the familyDu Fu, Tangerine Peel, Rice Cake, Li Bai, Zhongfen

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WeChat public account ID ➨ 花花与三猫CatLive

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#SanHuaCatLive #Cutepet #Cat #Kitty

posted by dravadasin