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Expert Strategies for Breaking the Panic Attack Cycle

Paige Pradko

PDF: What to do when Panic Strikes: FACE Fear


Panic Attacks Self Assessment'>

Panic can be triggered by just about anything in the world or in our mind or body. In people with panic disorder, it is very common for physical symptoms or thoughts themselves to trigger a panic attack.

How do you break the panic cycle?

All humans experience anxiety and panic attacks at times. Our brains can overreact and trigger our natural alarm system, our fight or flight or freeze response. This is normal and we can’t stop our brains from being triggered or experiencing anxiety.

But you can change your thoughts, interpretations and predictions and you can certainly change your behaviors or how you respond to anxiety and panic.

Your brain learns by what you do and what you tell yourself. If you tell yourself what you are feeling is dangerous and threatening, and do certain behaviors to monitor yourself, try to calm down, relieve your symptoms, keep yourself safe, check on bodily symptoms, avoid activities and places that might amp up your anxiety, you are teaching your brain that anxiety symptoms are dangerous.

And how do you think your brain reacts if your brain believes anxiety and panic symptoms are dangerous or bad or that you don’t want to have anxiety or panic?

Your brain will get more anxious when it notices anxiety or anxious thoughts or anxiety sensations in your body.

What happens when your brain gets more anxious?

Your limbic system and your amygdala are activated and activates your sympathetic nervous system’s fight or flight or freeze response, and then you will get more adrenaline released into your blood stream. You have inadvertently created more anxiety and panic symptoms.

How do you correct this?

You do the opposite to break the cycle. You do the opposite of trying to not have anxiety or panic. You do the opposite of paying attention to your symptoms or avoiding things or trying to calm yourself down.

What is the opposite?

Stepping into the fear and allowing and even welcoming anxiety and panic symptoms.

You send messages to your brain that you are unconcerned and unalarmed when you begin to feel any symptoms. You welcome the symptoms of anxiety and panic. I am not saying that you want those sensations, but you want to convince your brain that you are perfectly comfortable and unconcerned with those bodily symptoms.

Changing your fearful thoughts and your behaviors is how you train your brain that you are safe. This is how you create new safety learning in your brain that will eventually allow you to feel anxiety sensations without associating them with catastrophic danger. And you will have broken your panic cycle.

The following is an explanation of each stage of the F.A.C.E. Fear method:

F: F.A.C.E. your fear of panic symptoms with an attitude of willingness. Whether your anxiety or panic came out of the blue or built up, have an attitude of willingness and openness to the physical and emotional symptoms and sensations.

A: Adopt an attitude of Allowing Anxiety and panic symptoms to be there. Allow the physical sensations to wash over you.

C: Commit to staying in it and Coach yourself like you would coach a young child that was afraid to try something new. Coaching statements like, “I’ve got this! I’m doing it!”
You are allowing that wave of anxiety to wash over you.

E: Embrace the experience with encouragement and praise afterward. Positive encouragement is a crucial step to follow up the physical experience of moving through a panic attack with positive messages about how you did. For example, you might say things to yourself like, “I am getting better at this.” Or “This was a great opportunity to train my brain that panic symptoms are not dangerous, and I can tolerate them.”

You may follow me at the social media sites below:
  / paige.pradko.therapy  
  / paigepradkotherapy  

How can I help you?

I would love to hear from you. Please send me a message and tell me how panic has affected your life.

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Until next time...I will see you in session,


Video Editor: [email protected]

(Although Paige Pradko is a licensed psychotherapist, the views expressed on this video and this YouTube channel including comments or any related content should not be taken for medical, psychological or psychiatric advice. Always contact your physician and mental health provider before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.)

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