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Experience the Life of a Pilot


"Cabin crew, please be seated for takeoff…”
When you’re gazing out of the window at 35,000 feet, have you ever wondered just how much preparation pilots need to safely guide your plane through the skies? A lot of us are curious about the people who keep us comfortable and safe on our adventures around the world. Watch this video and experience a day in the life of a pilot from their "office" at the front of the plane.

「Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking…對於機師這份職業許多人都充滿好奇。當你們準備登機我們是如何準備就緒力求帶來安全舒適的飛行體驗當你們坐在客艙我們在機艙前面的辦公室是怎樣工作立即觀看影片近距離了解我們的一天。」

posted by sxcxixdx6a