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Why You Should Listen:

In this episode, you will learn about the role of DNA adducts in chronic health conditions.

About My Guest:

My guest for this episode is Dr. Werner Vosloo. Werner Vosloo, ND is a Naturopathic and Homeopathic Physician who focuses on and has a passion for helping people with chronic conditions heal through the use of natural and integrated medicine. In 2010, he started Restorative Health Clinic in Portland, Oregon, which has become a place of healing and hope for patients with multisymptom chronic conditions. Wanting to improve treatment outcomes and decrease treatment time, Dr. Vosloo opened Restore BioClinic in St George, Utah in 2018. In this dry, warm, and sunny climate, Dr. Vosloo created an environment where optimal healing can occur.

Key Takeaways:

What is the role of environmental toxicant exposure in chronic illness?
What is a DNA adduct?
How closely is condition severity correlated with the level of DNA adducts?
How are DNA adducts tested for?
How do DNA adducts affect gene expression?
What DNA adducts are more commonly observed?
Can DNA adducts be both exogenous and endogenous?
Can implanted medical devices lead to DNA adducts?
Do DNA adducts drive the Cell Danger Response?
What treatment strategies can be used to remove DNA adducts from the body?
What is the role of mental and emotional factors in the retention of DNA adducts?

Connect With My Guest:

Related Resources:

Return Healthy
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Interview Date:

March 8, 2024


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The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate selftreatment. As always, please discuss any potential healthrelated decisions with your own personal medical authority.

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