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{ENG SUB} 麻醬涼麵 夏日必吃 | Summer sesame cold noodles

張媽媽廚房Mama Cheung

張媽媽【麻醬涼麵】夏天天氣好悶熱張媽媽同大家介紹一個素食[麻醬涼麵] 開胃食譜
, 簡單易做你們可以加火腿絲或者蝦也可以的! 記得多啲 LIKE多啲SUBSCRIBE, 按SHARE給朋友家人。多謝大家支持貼堂 hash tag mamacheungcooks 上Facebook 同Instagram!

Mama Cheung’s Sesame Cold Noodles is a deliciously cool tasting dish for the summer months! This is a vegetarian based recipe, but you can add any shredded meat / seafood if you wish. Hope you will make some at home to share with your family and friends. Please LIKE & SUBSCRIBE, SHARE this recipe video with your foodie friends too!

Hash tag your dish “mamacheungcooks” on Instagram & Facebook! Give me a thumbs up and subscribe to Mama Cheung YouTube channel.

#張媽媽 #麻醬涼麵 #素食

4人份量 Serves 4
材料 Ingredients
300克冷麵巳熟 300g Cooked noodles
一隻雞蛋 1 Egg
200克青瓜 200g Cucumber
120克紅蘿蔔 120g Carrot
1件潮州豆腐潤 1 piece of firm tofu
半茶匙蔴油 1/2 tsp Sesame oil
蒜蓉一湯匙 1 TBS minced garlic


芝蔴醬四湯匙 4 TBS Sesame sauce
鎮江醋兩湯匙 2 TBS Zhenjiang vinegar
白醋三湯匙 3 TBS White vinegar
鹽半茶匙 1/2 tsp Salt
兩湯匙白糖 2 TBS Sugar
一湯匙辣椒油有渣嘅 1 TBS Chilli oil (with flakes)
半茶匙蔴油 1/2 tsp Sesame oil
50毫升水 50ml Water
一些冰塊 Ice cubes (to make an ice bath)

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