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DC9 Banding Day! 💕 😊 DC National Arboretum EagleCam 5.2.22

Lady Hawk

Today the eaglet DC9 from the National Arboretum DC nest was banded. This was part of a planned study to evaluate the effects of pollutants in the Anacosta River. National Geographic is doing a special on DC9, the pollutants of the Anacosta River and how this may effect the eagles. They banded DC9 and took blood samples. It is suspected that DC9 is a male we are waiting for the blood sample to confirm the gender. Mr P returned back to the nest to check on DC9. Thank you for watching!

Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk

Washington D.C. is the home of Mr President and Lotus and their one chick DC9.

Courtesy of American Eagle Foundation and DC National Arboretum for the live cams on this amazing eagle family. 2022 American Eagle Foundation Eagles.org

posted by clubremby