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Coping with the Stress of Unprecedented Times. Psychologist Tips on Things to do besides Doomscroll!

Hella Mental Health

Are you feeling burnout, fatigue, or anxiety about living with so much unprecedented stress?
Dr. Hsu provides tips on coping, and managing what is tangible in your life when the news and global suffering feel overwhelming.

1) Don't judge yourself. Physical and Mental reactions to scary, sad, unjust news is a normal response. Validate yourself and people around you! We haven't had time to grieve, understand, and process all the triggers, dissapointments, insecurities and trauma of these times.

2) Daily Activities. Take care of the "boring but important" daily habits for self care and limiting negative news. Fundamentals like sleep hygiene, hydration, checking for tension and breath are the small things that help us stay regulated.

3) Seek and stay connected to Purpose and meaning. We all benefit from something larger than ourselves this can be learning, community volunteering or advocacy, seeking spiritual advice, or just supporting one another in community.

4) Make space and time for community support and care. In difficult times there are stressors facing us that can not be readily solved or endured individually.

posted by ei1na23m