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[cc] 烤豬排 BBQ Ribs in the Oven | 烤箱燒烤豬排 | Best and Simplest Recipe for BBQ Ribs

众品味Peoples Taste

烤箱燒烤豬排 BBQ Pork Ribs in the Oven 步驟簡單無油煙。烤好的豬排色澤金黃外焦裏嫩不油不膩百吃不厭。親朋好友也最愛趕快學起。This is the best and simplest recipe for BBQ pork ribs.
#猪排 #ribs #BBQPorkRibs
2.從烤箱取出刷燒烤醬broil檔烤4分鐘 無需錫紙,
1. Cover with foil and bake for 2 hours at 320℉;
2. Remove from the oven, brush with barbecue sauce, and bake on the broil setting for 4 minutes (no foil required);
3. Take out from the oven, turn over ribs, brush with barbecue sauce, and bake for another 4 minutes on the broil setting (no foil required);
The time of steps 2 and 3 can be adjusted according to the power of the oven, and do not burn.

食材 (Ingredients):

豬排骨 4 lb pork back ribs
檸檬汁 lemon juice
BBQ Mix:
黃糖 1/3 cup brown sugar
洋蔥粉 2 tbs onion powder
蒜粉 2 tbs garlic powder
鹽 ½ tsp salt
黑胡椒 ½ tsp black pepper
辣椒粉 ½ tsp paprika

posted by p4tevap