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Bridging Spirituality and Cognition | Transcendent Naturalism #13 with Matt Segall

John Vervaeke

In Episode 13 of the "Transcendent Naturalism" series, John Vervaeke, Gregg Henriques, and guest Matt Segall engage in a deep exploration of the intersection between spirituality and cognitive science. They delve into how concepts like etheric imagination and process philosophy, particularly in the works of Schelling and Whitehead, can broaden our understanding of naturalism. The dialogue critically examines the constraints of traditional naturalism, highlighting the significance of imagination within scientific frameworks, and discussing the ongoing evolution of human perception and cognition. The episode bridges scientific inquiry with profound existential questions, offering enriched perspectives on the interplay between science, philosophy, and spirituality.

Matthew T. Segall, Ph.D., is a renowned philosopher specializing in Alfred North Whitehead's process philosophy. He earned his doctorate from the California Institute of Integral Studies in 2016, with a focus on postKantian process philosophy. His academic work emphasizes the integration of science, spirituality, and ecology, contributing significantly to contemporary philosophical thought​.

Resources and References

Gregg Henriques:
Website:   / jordangreenhall%c2%a0%c2%a0  
Facebook:   / gregg.henriques  
X:   / henriqgx  

Matt Segall
Patreon:   / footnotes2plato  
X:   / thouartthat  
Facebook:   / matthew.david.segall  

John Vervaeke
Patreon:   / johnvervaeke  
Facebook:   / vervaekejohn  
X:   / vervaeke_john  
YouTube:    / @johnvervaeke  

Resources and References
The Vervaeke Foundation:

John Vervaeke YouTube
Is Free Will an Illusion? Navigating Kantian Thought with Dr. Vervaeke & Matt Segall:    • Is Free Will an Illusion? Navigating ...  
Dynamics of Modern Paradigm Shifts with Jordan Hall:    • Dynamics of Modern Paradigm Shifts wi...  

Books, Articles, and Publications
Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the PostKantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead Matthew David Segall:
ProcessRelational Philosophy: An Introduction to Alfred North Whitehead C. Robert Mesle:
How the Body Shapes the Mind Shaun Gallagher:
Modes of Thought Alfred North Whitehead
Distributed Cognition and the Experience of Presence in the Mars Exploration Rover Mission Dan Chiappe, John Vervaeke:
The Enactment of Shared Agency in Teams Exploring Mars Through Rovers Dan Chiappe, John Vervaeke:
The Experience of Presence in the Mars Exploration Rover Mission Dan Chiappe, John Vervaeke:


"Bringing in the complexity sciences and emergence in a contemporary context is exciting." Matt Segall
"Transcendent naturalism is trying to incorporate elements traditionally considered supernatural." Matt Segall
"There's a needle to be threaded in understanding new age movements." Matt Segall
"The imaginal is crucial for understanding how we connect with the world." John Vervaeke
"Language plays a key role in connecting different perspectives." John Vervaeke

Chapters with Timestamps

[00:00:00] Introduction of Guest and Topic
[00:01:32] Discussion on Etheric Imagination and Process Philosophy
[00:04:48] Exploring the Limitations of Traditional Naturalism
[00:14:35] The Role of Imagination in Scientific Contexts
[00:20:05] The Evolving Nature of Human Perception and Cognition
[00:25:27] Exploring the Concept of 'One World' in Naturalism
[00:43:33] The Integration of Different Forms of Knowing
[00:54:55] Concluding Thoughts and Perspectives

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