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Big Brother Henan has been selling fried peanuts for 7 years for 10 yuan and he queues up every day


Henan local stall crab yellow crust chicken    • 河南小伙摆地摊豪车当成货车用1天只干2小时比打工族强100倍  
Henan guy sells lomei    • 河南小伙卖卤味地摊环境高消费人生低谷遇贵人1年还清100万  
Henan guy's own lomei    • 河南小伙自创卤味不用老汤没秘方2000元打响翻身仗一周赚台宝马车  

#Light up#Henan snacks#Fried peanuts
Hello everyone, this is the official channel of [Small Food Guangguang] YouTube,
I believe that every foodie has a positive heart. Come on, come on, and be fat is the realm!

For handsome guys, beauties, uncles, aunts, big brothers, and big sisters who like to eat, welcome to pay attention to "Small Foods" and let you eat all the Chinese food!

posted by Janeczko55