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Best Flutter Widgets EVER!

Flutter Mapp

This is the best Flutter Widget that every Flutter dev should know.
Complete Widgets list down bellow in the description

This is a list of 70 Flutter Widgets coming from the playlist 'Every Flutter Widgets' and we hand picked carefully ONLY The Best Flutter Widgets that you must know! If you want to discover more Widgets with Flutter you can check our playlist every Flutter widgets. Ok there is a little bit more than 70 widgets in this list but its because there were also important to know after all. After watching this video, you will know the top 70 Flutter widgets. But how do we know its the real top 70 Widgets? Well, after searching for every flutter widgets available and creating the playlist 'every flutter widgets' we were now able to actually know all the possible widgets and only select the best ones. THIS is the TOP / BEST 70 Flutter Widgets of all time!

A Free step by step guide to learn Flutter available here:'>'>'>

Flutter courses (Beginner & Advanced):'>'>'>

[1 to 5]
0:00​ MaterialBanner
0:53 PreferredSize
1:38 BottomSheet
2:28 LongPressDraggable
3:48 InteractiveViewer

[6 to 10]
4:33 ReorderableListView
5:48 CheckboxListTile
6:51 CircleAvatar
7:23 CupertinoContextMenu
8:11 Table

[11 to 15]
9:22 AlertDialog
10:21 AnimatedContainer
11:42 Card
12:17 DatePicker
13:28 TimePicker

[16 to 20]
14:40 DateRangePicker
16:00 Dismissible
17:38 DraggableScrollable
18:17 DragTarget
20:02 Draggable

[21 to 25]
21:34 AnimatedCrossFade
22:45 Drawer
23:46 DrawerHeader
24:10 PopupMenuButton
25:07 AnimatedDefaultTextStyle

[26 to 30]
26:32 AspectRatio
27:18 AutoComplete
28:41 ErrorWidget
29:47 Expanded
30:28 Flexible

[31 to 35]
31:51 FloatingActionButton
32:45 Form
34:12 TextFormField
35:49 AnimatedIcon
37:37 ChoiceChip

[36 to 40]
38:11 FadeInImage
39:07 FractionallySizedBox
39:44 FutureBuilder
41:24 GestureDetector
42:12 GridView

[41 to 45]
42:56 GridTile
43:45 GridTileBar
44:38 AnimatedRotation
45:40 Hero
47:03 IgnorePointer

[46 to 50]
48:23 IndexedStack
49:27 ListView
50:04 ListTile
50:28 NavigationBar
51:33 AnimatedOpacity

[51 to 55]
52:25 Stack
52:54 Stepper
54:24 StreamBuilder
55:48 Switch
56:09 TabPageSelector

[56 to 60]
57:52 TabBar
58:41 PageView
59:05 Positioned
59:46 RadioListTile
1:00:38 RefreshIndicator

[61 to 65]
1:01:25 RotatedBox
1:01:48 SelectableText
1:02:17 Slider
1:02:54 SnackBar
1:03:32 Visibility

[66 to 70]
1:04:14 Wrap
1:04:48 SafeArea
1:05:09 LayoutBuilder
1:06:03 OrientationBuilder
1:06:39 OverflowBar

1:07:10 FittedBox
1:08:00 ExpansionTile
1:09:10 CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl

1:09:57 Every Flutter Widget Playlist:    • Video  

Our mission at Flutter Mapp (Flutter Mobile App) is to help purpose driven Flutter developers go fulltime doing what they love and making an impact through coding. We achieve this with useful Flutter tips and straight to the point Flutter videos.

Playlist of more than 200 Flutter tips:    • 35 Flutter Tips That Will Change Your...  
Learn Flutter in 1 hour:    • Flutter Tutorial For Beginners In 1 Hour  
Zero to Hero Flutter Course (Beginners):    • Video  
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#flutter #flutterwidgets

posted by Juchnc7