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Best Dog Training Book: 'The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever' by Larry Kay u0026 Chris Perondi

Talent Hounds

I love teaching Kilo the Pug tricks as it helps his confidence and builds our bond. We keep it really fun and positive. He gets treats as rewards plus my attention. I was thrilled to see my friend, author, film maker and rescue advocate Larry Kay from Positively Woof at Global Pet Expo and receive a signed copy of "The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever" which he cowrote with Chris Perondi. It has 118 tricks divided up into begginner, intermediate and pro. The instructions are well laid out and easy to follow. Kilo and I are really enjoying trying them. Kilo even rolled over this morning for the first time next is "play dead".

posted by antenasxy