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Best AI Tool For Students - Research Paper Literature Review u0026 More - Consensus AI

Curtis Pyke

Try Consensus AI Free: https://consensus.app/

Hello everybody! Welcome back to another AI video. Today, we're diving into Consensus AI, an incredible academic search engine powered by artificial intelligence. Unlike standard search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing, Consensus AI is designed specifically for academic research. Let's explore why this tool is a gamechanger for students, researchers, and curious minds alike.

Introduction to Consensus AI

Consensus AI is an academic search engine that directly connects you to original academic papers, studies, literature reviews, and abstract summaries. Whether you're a Ph.D. student, an undergrad, or simply someone looking to delve deeper into a topic, this tool provides reliable and highquality sources without the distraction of keywordoptimized clickbait.

‍ Why Use Consensus AI?

Consensus AI is perfect for anyone in need of accurate, researchbased information:

Students: Ideal for term papers, theses, and research projects.
Researchers: Access to a wide range of academic papers and studies.
General Learners: Gain insights from credible sources without the noise of standard search engines.

Getting Started

Visit consensus.app to get started. You can try it for free or log in with your Google account. Once logged in, you'll see a search bar where you can type in research questions. Consensus AI even suggests topics to get you started, like "What is the effect of stoicism on mental health?" or "Does fact checking enhance media credibility?"

Exploring Search Results

Consensus AI provides detailed results from academic sources. For example, searching "Does fact checking enhance media credibility?" yields a variety of studies with summaries, journal names, author details, publication years, and citation counts. You can save these articles to create a reference list, making your research process smoother and more organized.

Filter and Refine Your Search

Use the filter option to narrow down results based on specific criteria such as publication year or study type (e.g., randomized controlled trials). This feature ensures you get the most relevant and uptodate information for your research needs.

AIPowered Features

Consensus AI offers several AIpowered functionalities that enhance the research experience:

Synthesize: This feature synthesizes findings from multiple papers, providing a summary and consensus meter to help you understand the general agreement among studies.

Copilot: Acts like an AI research assistant, offering key insights and generating content based on analyzed papers. This ensures you get accurate references directly from credible sources.
Study Snapshot: Dive deeper into specific studies by viewing detailed snapshots, including population, sample size, methods, and outcomes.
Who Should Use Consensus AI?
Consensus AI is a valuable tool for:

Students: From undergrads to Ph.D. candidates, this tool simplifies the research process.

Professors and Educators: Access highquality sources for lectures and academic work.

General Knowledge Seekers: Get accurate information without the distraction of nonacademic content.

posted by skrbsteve6