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Bella And Steve Back In Ten Days April 28th 2024

Steve Trimboli

April, 28th, 2024. Today was like my title says, a last day with my superhero dog Bella, a very special day with my superhero dog Bella until I return back in ten days from my trip...

Today was much like the flavors that have over time to blended together to create a magnificent great tasting dish mixed with a million and one flavors that just touch your heart and soul!

That is just how I felt today when I was videoing my superhero dog Bella for the last time until I return.

To let todays magical and silly, fun time moments of my dog walk, dog hike become like a meal cooking away...

Smelling the flavors of our adventurous day as if it sensitized me more and more and more...

Until the full taste is when I come back in ten days and we start all over again with our daily dog walks, hikes and great adventures...

Humans make mistakes but how often does my superhero dog Bella make mistakes?

And are some prone to errors and does she learn from them?

The answer to that question is yes!

My superhero dog Bella learns like some kind of super being from a different planet she is much more than a product of natural selection.

She fully realized that learning from her mistakes makes me happy and she also realized that learning from her mistakes is a matter of survival for her.

She just keeps evolving or, (learning from her mistakes), and on that note she is acquiring knowledge each time we take our daily dog walk, hike...

For all of her missteps she has now become a reproduction of sorts as she is now counterbalancing any of her mishaps or errors with more and more purpose and positive outcomes.

Overall today was a kind of day of just deliberately just strolling around the park in Cold Spring NY.

And just enjoying the hot spring muggy day...

And of course learning more and more about get rich schemes like The Day The Earth Stood Still...

Or any kind of coordination that my superhero dog Bella was just being more and more resilient and the flavors were delicious as the food came out perfect in the end! THE END!
ST, Tarzan and my superhero dog Bella...

posted by Ciciottitp