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Beliefs held by the scapegoated child: 'If I am not being productive then I am worthless'

Jay Reid - Recovery from Bad Childhoods

Today's video continues the series on commonly held beliefs by children scapegoated by a narcissistic parent. The focus is on the child's effort to understand the parent's hostility as function of what the child does (or doesn't do) rather than who the child is. This affords some hope that they can fix the problem of the narcissistic parent's malevolence towards the child. After surviving such treatment, however, this belief can create a frenetic sense of life within where one must always be 'doing' or 'working' in order to stave off the encroaching sense of worthlessness. I describe the process of recovery with an emphasis on the need to reclaim rather than reject one's own standards as sources of personal worth and pride.

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posted by himeindunda0d