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Axolotl Care: The Basics

Taylor Nicole Dean

Sorry that around 5 minutes the background music increases too loud for a few seconds! I didn't catch that in editing

need to know information before owning an axolotl.

If you've never owned aquatic life before I highly suggest doing deeper and extensive research on the water cycle and how to maintain a healthy tank before getting an axolotl!
Do not use any fish supplements or medicines in an axolotl tank it is dangerous to amphibians. Water conditioner being an exception.

Recommended products:
20 gallon long aquarium
CaribSea Super Naturals Premium Aquarium Substrate
Fluval 20 or higher
Aqueon water conditioner (kind I use, most other kinds will work too)
Aquarium Cooling Fan
Thermometer (to make sure temp is below 70 and ideally below 66)
Hiding Spots (Pvc pipes work fine)
Live Night Crawlers for food
Live ghost shrimp as treats
Syphon to clean substrate weekly

posted by Scaffetti70