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Australian Terrier

Forever Home Initiative

The Australian Terrier.

Amongst the terrier family he is somewhat quiet, but he certainly makes up for it with bravery. He’s a tough little character with an eye for small animals, if he sees something he fancies he’ll be after it like a shot.

He’s great fun and loves an adventure, for this reason he can get quite frustrated around the house, so needs a good amount of daily activities to keep him happy. He’s easily pleased and pretty bright, making for quite an obedient little dog.

He’s an earth dog at heart, so tends to dig, but this can be kept under control if he gets his exercise. A decent walk every day is essential, a good run and a rough game and he’s in heaven.

With quite a wiry coat he’ll need brushing once or twice a week. Every six months he’ll also need it stripping of dead hairs to keep it in optimal condition, a general trim will also help him appear neat and tidy.

Interesting facts: Originally from Tasmania, this little man spent his early years controlling vermin around the farm.

The Australian Terrier. Fearless little Aussie, with a disposition for having fun.

posted by bogenuo